2021 Advocacy Letters & Statements

Support California Senate Bill 107 to Simplify CalFresh Application for Seniors & People with Disabilities

May 17, 2021 – Bill 107

The Honorable Toni Atkins
President Pro Tem, California State Senate

Dear Senator Atkins:

Thank you for your leadership during these extremely challenging times. I am writing in support of Senate Bill 107 (Wiener) which seeks to simplify the CalFresh application for seniors and people with disabilities. SB 107 will also allow all CalFresh participants to complete the application, and other forms requiring a signature, by phone.

At Catholic Charities of San Francisco, Marin, and San Mateo Counties, we have seen the need for our human services double during the pandemic. We currently provide human services to 60,000 people annually in the Bay Area through our dedicated frontline staff to meet essential needs such as housing and food for individuals and families.

While the number of reported COVID-19 cases has gone down, thankfully, the impact of the pandemic continues to exacerbate hunger and hardship for our clients, particularly seniors and people with disabilities. We have also seen food insecurity increase among families and individuals who are struggling to make ends meet due to COVID-19-related job loss and financial insecurity.

Federal waivers which have simplified the application process for CalFresh during the pandemic were extremely successful, but are due to expire this year. This legislation is necessary to ensure that California continues to provide food assistance for its most vulnerable citizens.

On behalf of Catholic Charities, please accept our support for this important bill.

Thank you,

Jilma Meneses
Chief Executive Officer
Catholic Charities
San Francisco, San Mateo, and Marin Counties

cc: California State Senator Scott Wiener
California State Senator Scott Wilk