
Treasure Island
Child Development Center

Treasure Island
Child Development Center

A collaborative child-centered environment

Striving to create a collaborative child-centered environment where everyone contributes and feels taken care of

At Catholic Charities Treasure Island Child Development Center (TICDC) we strive to create a collaborative child-centered environment where everyone contributes and feels taken care of.

Parents and professional teaching staff work together to nurture each child’s capacity to love and learn.  At the Center, children explore the complexities of their world through creative arts, social interaction, enhanced play and nature studies. Our goal is to provide the children in our care with a well-rounded stimulating experience, which will prepare them for engaged learning through elementary school and beyond.

The TICDC community is a reflection of the multi-cultural character of San Francisco. We encourage participation and champion individuality, celebrate differences, and work to foster an atmosphere of respect and caring.

The staff of this licensed Childcare and Preschool facility provides family support and full-time childcare and education for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, not only living in the Treasure Island community but for anyone in the Bay Area.

Nondiscrimination Policy

TICDC is committed to providing services to families, and to providing employment opportunities to individuals, regardless of race, sex, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, medical condition or physical attribute.


TICDC celebrates ethnic, racial, cultural, and economic diversity. Our community includes all types of families including, but not limited to adoptive, gay, lesbian and one or more parent families.

The TICDC educational philosophy is “Creative Curriculum,” and is rooted in play-based experiential learning. We work to provide a conduit for natural, active curiosity and creativity. Our Arts enriched program is designed to inspire individuality, self-confidence, and an enthusiasm for discovery and learning.  To foster compassion and empathy we take time to help children negotiate conflict and talk about their feelings. We model a warm communication style and emphasize mutual respect in our interactions with children and among adults. Classroom Teachers serve as facilitators in a dynamic environment created to challenge and stimulate each child’s emerging physical, emotional, social and cognitive growth. Teacher-led activities and thematic content are based on the children’s expressed interests. The diversity, talents, and expertise of staff members and parent volunteers also enrich each classroom’s curriculum.

Daily Schedule

A schedule of activities is posted in each classroom.

At TICDC a well-rounded, enjoyable experience includes:

  • Circle Time – The whole group gathers for stories, songs, and finger-play. Circle time is a time for learning from the teachers and sharing our ideas. Children practice taking turns and cooperating with their peers.  Teachers also have the opportunity to set expectations and help children know what happens next.
  • Child-Choice Activities – Indoors and out, children are provided a wealth of materials and experiences; from Play-Doh and paint to building with blocks, dramatic play, puzzles, riding tricycles, sand, and water play too. At TICDC children practice independence by choosing activities, playing in small groups, and cleaning up after themselves. Child choice time allows children the freedom to experiment and move at their own pace and empowers their ability to make choices.
  • Outdoor Play – We benefit from ample outdoor spaces where children can stretch and challenge their growing bodies.  Running, riding, jumping, dancing, ball play, building, art, and sandboxes are available to children daily as they move freely between a variety of activities.
  • Art – Art activities are conducted with a process-oriented approach to encourage freedom of expression. Children explore color, shape, texture, and form through a wide variety of materials that excite the imagination. Children’s projects are documented in the both the classrooms and on lobby display boards
  • Music . Children learn a diverse selection of songs from around the globe and have fun expanding these songs with improvisation, call and response, shifts in tempo and volume as well as vocal styling. Body percussion and basic ear-training enhance the experience and provide a strong foundation for continued study and/or life long appreciation, as well as a foundation in mathematics.
  • Movement – With help from favorites like Ella Jenkins and a large selection of music from faraway places, children express themselves and expel their energy with teacher lead activities that help develop gross motor abilities, encourage imagination, and provide a social atmosphere of fun. Children also participate in dance and yoga. 
  • Science – Classrooms have age appropriate science stations where children manipulate magnets, weights, and balances, magnifying glasses and more. Simple cooking activities are a fun foundation for scientific experimentation. Outside young children learn about their world and discover its physical properties through their senses. They explore urban wildlife in our gardens and care for plants in raised boxes.
  • Cultural Diversity – The diversity of our Families and teaching staff represent offers a wealth of learning. Teachers and parents are encouraged to share their culture in classroom activities, stories, and songs. Whenever possible children are paired with teachers who share their home language.
  • Field Trips – The Bay Area is our extended classroom. Children walk to local playgrounds, as well as exploring Treasure Island.
  • Anti-Bias Curriculum – The anti-bias perspective is integral to all aspects of daily Center life.  Differences are appreciated and encouraged. Oppressive ideas and behaviors are discussed at a child’s level of understanding.  Empathy is emphasized when resolving conflicts and working through hurt feelings. We help children verbalize their emotions and frustrations in productive, respectful ways. Children become empowered and learn to think critically and solve problems. The anti-biased approach enables every child to develop to his or her full potential.

Center for the Social-Emotional Foundation for Early Learners
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) is focused on promoting the social emotional development and school readiness of young children birth to age 5.

All Teachers and Center Staff are trained in implementing “The Teacher Pyramid.” As a Center we as staff, children and families agree to follow the following expectations for behavior:

  • We Are Friendly
  • We Are Respectful
  • We Are Healthy
  • We Are Safe

These are posted in the classrooms instead of rules. Our philosophy is to educate the children about what they can do and not what they can’t do. Language is reframed to give the child positive expectations for behavior. For example, we will say “Use your walking feet,” instead of “do not run.”

Ages and Stages at Treasure Island Child Care Center

At Treasure Island Child Care Center (TICDC) we respect the unique process of each child’s development. By individualizing their journey through our program, we seek to enhance self-esteem and nurture inherent strengths while offering the appropriate level of challenge to inspire growth. To help in evaluating developmental progress we assess all children using the Desired Results Developmental Profile tool. This enables us to identify milestones met as well as those areas of development that are still emerging. All children are assessed after 60 days of enrollment followed by every 6 months. Parents also are required to complete an “Ages and Stages Questionnaires” (ASQ) upon the first 60 days of enrollment.

“Everywhere Babies” Infants – 3 months to about 18 months

In this classroom, each child eats, naps and plays based on their own internal clock. Child choice play and open exploration happen indoors and out. The developmental focus is on receptive language and gross motor ability i.e. Independent walking, climbing, pushing and pulling. “Everywhere Babies” are beginning to participate in teacher-led group activities. When a child is a confident walker, is able to nap on a cot, and has strong receptive language and burgeoning expressive language skills he or she may be ready for the toddler environment.

“Runaway Bunnies” Toddlers – about 18 months to 36 months

In this classroom, there is a daily schedule in place. Children are beginning to “use their words.” Fine motor manipulatives such as Duplo Blocks are a new and exciting choice activity. There are also plenty of opportunities for gross motor activities such as rocking, riding, climbing, and dancing. Here a child is able to combine words to express moods, desires, and dissatisfactions, is comfortable transitioning from routine activities and can successfully participate in teacher-lead activities. For older toddlers in this classroom, the focus is on expressive language and social – emotional skills. Children are also potty training. Children are practicing self-regulation and beginning to share with their classmates.

“Giving Trees” and “Rainbow Fish” Preschool Rooms – 36 months to TK/Kindergarten eligible

In this classroom bonding with peers is prevalent. Children practice problem-solving and negotiating conflict. They develop fine motor skills through teacher-initiated activities. Children navigate learning stations dedicated to math, science, dramatic play, art, and gross motor.  Social-emotional, pre-literacy skills and dual language learning are a focus of the curriculum. Classroom children participate in activities based upon their expressed interests. To promote literacy children, dictate their poems and stories and illustrate their work. In preschool children choose their activities; play in small groups, and must clean up after themselves. Resolving conflicts, problem solving and working through hurt feelings is the ongoing challenge. Independence, self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, cooperation, and creativity are important attributes for a rising Kindergartener.  The CSEFEL model is a daily part of the planned curriculum.

Typically, a child is ready for our preschool classrooms when he or she can:

  • Enjoy a single activity for 10 minutes.
  • Independently use the toilet.
  • Participate in family-style meals.
  • Express their natural curiosity verbally.

Children must be potty-trained to enter the preschool classes.



We understand that paying for quality child development services is a significant portion of your family’s resources.  As 95% of the families we serve are low-income, the California Department of Education subsidizes all or a portion of the child care fees based on family income, however, families may be required to pay a family fee based on income qualifications.

Checks should be made payable to Catholic Charities TICDC.  Tuition or fee payments must be received by 5:00p on the 5th day of each month and considered delinquent if not received by this date.  You will receive a monthly statement from the main office of Catholic Charities, with an envelope to send your payment back to Catholic Charities.

No deductions will be made for absences due to illness, holidays, vacations or schedule changes.  Tuition rates and Family Fees are subject to change based on eligibility changes and need.  Parents will be given a 30-day notice of rate increases.  If your account is not current, by the 5th day of the month, your account is delinquent and services will be terminated. If you cannot make tuition payments in full, a payment plan for the unpaid fees to bring your account current must be made with the Program Director.

Due to staff to child ratios, each program at TICDC has a different tuition rate. During the month that your child transitions from the Infant to the Toddler program or from the Toddler to the Preschool program, your tuition will be calculated at the higher rate. This does not affect those under subsidized care who have family fees.


TICDC bills one month in advance and requests payment of tuition no later than the 5th day of each month.  Tuition is considered “past due” after that date. TICDC will notify parents if their payment is past due by the 7th day of the month.  If payment is not received by the 7th day of the next month (one month past due) TICDC may issue a Notice of Action (NOA) to terminate enrollment.  If payment is not received within 60 days after the due date, any unpaid amount will be sent to collections for recovery.

If your check bounces, you will be required to pay by cashier check, money order or cash. Parents may establish a payment schedule with TICDC Division Director.  However, any arrangement must be made in writing prior to the deadline discussed above. All new fees must be paid on time


We do not offer scholarships at this time.


We encourage families to pursue all possible avenues for childcare assistance through Children’s Council of San Francisco and Wu Yee Children’s Services to determine if you are eligible for California Alternative Payment Program, (CAPP), childcare services voucher.  We can help you learn more.

All applications for subsidized care at Catholic Charities Treasure Island Child Development Center are handled by the Department of Early Childhood through their Early Learning Scholarship (ELS), a web-based system that gives access to families seeking subsidized childcare through a single application. The earlylearningsf.org website includes participating infant-toddler, preschool, and after-school programs and serves families with children ages 0 to 13 years.


Benefits of ELS

  1. Families can enroll at a single location and can gain access to multiple childcare programs.
  2. Families can expand their opportunities to obtain subsidized childcare.
  3. Participating childcare programs can use the ELS to find the most eligible children to fill their vacancies.

How to Apply
Apply Online at https://www.earlylearningsf.org

Or call:

Children’s Council of San Francisco
445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA 94114


Wu Yee Children’s Services
888 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94108

Information Required

If your child currently has an open Child Protective Services (CPS) case, you must provide a letter from the county welfare department or the San Francisco Human Services Agency (HSA) case manager on HSA letterhead.

If your child has an At-Risk referral, you must have a letter from a legally qualified professional.

If your child has exceptional needs, you must provide a copy of the child’s IEP (Individualized Education Plan) or IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan).

Gross (before taxes) monthly income will be verified at the time of potential enrollment*.

*Application for the Early Learning Scholarship does not guarantee subsidized child care services. Enrollment is based on the availability of spaces, selection by the child care program, current and accurate family information, and timely response by the family who is notified of an opening. Your eligibility is based on the income you provided when you first applied for services. If your income has increased since you last updated it, you may not be eligible for a program.

If Your Information Changes
It is not necessary to fill out another application. Please call us immediately or log in to earlylearningsf.org to make any changes to your record (especially for family size, family income, address, telephone number, etc.).

Commonly Asked Questions

What is subsidized child care?
Subsidized child care is financial assistance to income-eligible families to cover some or all of their childcare costs, depending on their need.

EarlyLearningSF.org  is a county-wide list of income-eligible families with children 0-13 years who are seeking subsidized child care.

How can ELS help me?
With ELS, you can easily gain access to many subsidized child care programs through one application. ELS saves you the time of applying at each agency individually and improves your chances of obtaining subsidized child care at the locations of your choice.

Is ELS a waiting list?
No, ELS is an eligibility list that finds out which children should be served first based on factors such as family income, family size, etc. when subsidized child care spaces become available. Children and families are not selected on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Can I find out my family’s place on the list?
No, your place on the list is determined by factors such as family income and family size and is not related to how long you have waited for a child care opening.

Who is eligible for ELS?
Families with children under 13 years old must meet the following requirements:

  • Families must be income-eligible. Your gross (before taxes) monthly family income must be at or below the amount listed for your family size.
  • Eligibility is based on the income you provide when you first apply for services. If you do not update your record when your information changes you may no longer be eligible for a program.

For more information regarding eligibility, visit https://www.earlylearningsf.org

Meet Elizabeth

Elizabeth is a teacher at TICDC

When Elizabeth’s daughter Alexa began attending Treasure Island Child Development Center, Elizabeth shared her dream of becoming a teacher with staff who set her up as a teacher’s aide while she completed her certification. When Elizabeth became pregnant with another child, TICDC staff came up with a plan that allowed her to teach the youngest age group so she could be with her new daughter while teaching.

“I think this is the most important thing that has happened in my life, to have this opportunity to work and have my child in the center. Being a single mom with two kids, pregnant, with no job, it was really hard for me…now I really want to thank Catholic Charities for the opportunity to have this job and support my family.” 

Meet Elizabeth

Elizabeth is a teacher at TICDC

When Elizabeth’s daughter Alexa began attending Treasure Island Child Development Center, Elizabeth shared her dream of becoming a teacher with staff who set her up as a teacher’s aide while she completed her certification. When Elizabeth became pregnant with another child, TICDC staff came up with a plan that allowed her to teach the youngest age group so she could be with her new daughter while teaching.

“I think this is the most important thing that has happened in my life, to have this opportunity to work and have my child in the center. Being a single mom with two kids, pregnant, with no job, it was really hard for me…now I really want to thank Catholic Charities for the opportunity to have this job and support my family.” 

Meet Gil

Gil’s son attends TICDC

Meet Gil

Gil’s son attends TICDC

Being a single father, Gil says he did not know what to do to help his speech-delayed son and had no one to watch his son so that he could go out to work. After connecting with Catholic Charities, he says his life and that of his little one have completely changed for the better. Antonio, age four, spends approximately eight hours a day at Catholic Charities Child Development Center located on Treasure Island in the city of San Francisco. The amazing staff at Catholic Charities Treasure Island Child Development Center has helped Antonio so he can express himself more fluently.