Bayview Access Point

Mission Access Point

Mission Access Point

Reducing Homelessness in San Francisco Every Day

We have adapted our services to ensure that we are meeting the needs of San Francisco’s homeless families.

Catholic Charities’ Mission Access Point provides assessment and intake services for families and individuals for entry into shelter and housing program placement.

Catholic Charities has operated multiple programs geared towards ending family homelessness for over 25 years. Over the years, we have adapted our services to ensure that we are meeting the needs of San Francisco’s homeless families. We are excited to continue to support the community by participating in the Coordinated Entry System (CES).


2871 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94110


  • Monday through Friday:  7:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Last Thursday of the month: 7:00 am to 12:00 pm
Young woman giving hug to her cute little son with brown soft teddybear while both sitting on sleeping place prepared for refugees

Together, we

prevent homelessness. uplift youth. care for seniors. serve immigrants.

Together, we

prevent homelessness. uplift youth. care for seniors. serve immigrants.

Mission Access Point 2022 Impact

access point - mission

What We Do

What We Do

Services at Mission Access Point:

  • Homeless prevention services:  Homelessness Prevention staff are on-site to assist with client intakes and assessments for eligibility for rental assistance and applications.
  • Housing stability: We provide assessment and provide legal referrals to address housing and employment barriers.
  • Housing problem solving:  Case managers work with clients to explore options and opportunities for housing.
  • Shelter and housing program placement: Case managers assist clients with determining eligibility for shelter and housing placement.
  • On-site childcare: Childcare is available for clients during their meetings with case managers at the Access Point.

Mission Access Point

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