Dunks, Headers & Spikes: New Catholic Charities CYO Athletics Youth Program for the Win!
by Catholic Charities – October 9, 2020
Excited kids dribble down the court, spike with gusto, and attack the goal at Catholic Charities CYO Athletics first-ever Conditioning & Training program. This month, 96 eager San Francisco second-eighth grade girls and boys who have been longing for safe, energizing athletic outlets during the pandemic are once again honing their athletic skills and having fun.
“We want to keep our kids engaged and buoy their spirits during this challenging time,” said Melvin Landry, Director of Catholic Charities CYO Athletics. Each three-week session focuses on one-hour drills, conditioning, and hand-eye coordination skill-building in basketball, volleyball, and soccer plus a brief, healthy nutrition educational component.
Following all COVID-19 safety protocols, the program is structured by sport, grade level, and day-of-the-week to form eight stable cohorts of 12 athletes under the supervision of a certified CYO coaching instructor. To ensure everyone’s safety, participants bring their own ball, mask, and water.

The kids were so eager to get back to the fun and camaraderie of sports that the first session in October reached capacity almost immediately. Due to the enthusiastic response, a second session is being offered from November 3-21 to accommodate additional youth who want to participate. Register your child now.
Catholic Charities CYO Athletics offers these new programs in partnership with the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department. The programs are consistent with the San Francisco Public Health Department’s recent directive for allowable outside-of-school programs that are COVID-19 compliant. Our Catholic Charities COVID-19 protocols create best practices with high standards of care to ensure the health and safety of our youth and staff.
Melvin hopes to spearhead a similar program in Marin County. “We want to get kids out of the house to build a healthy lifestyle through conditioning.”
For additional questions, please contact Tabia Ye, Catholic Charities CYO Athletics & Physical Education Manager.