
Aging Case Management- Long Term Housing Subsidy Services

Aging Case Management- Long Term Housing Subsidy Services


In partnership with

What We Do

As seniors and adults with disabilities face ongoing struggles to maintain affordable, stable, and safe housing in San Francisco due to increasing costs of rent, goods, and dealing with a shortage supply of safe and affordable housing, Catholic Charities offers a housing subsidy with the goal to keep one safely housed and prevent homelessness.

Catholic Charities has partnered with, and funded by the Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS), to provide assistance with maintaining one’s housing, and prevent eviction, and or homelessness.

Happy elderly African American woman at her house.

These services provide a Monthly Subsidy Payment paid directly to the landlord, and Case Planning.  This unique approach supports individuals at all spectrum of care, as it relates to their housing situation.  The monthly subsidy payment affords tenants with the continued support to remain living safely and stably in their homes, and the case planning assists eligible clients with creating short, and or long-term goals that work towards subsidy independence, by connecting one to community resources and services.


  • Must be a resident of San Francisco,
  • Age 60 and or above,
  • Age 18-59 years with a disability,
  • At an income level of or below 50% of the Annual Median Income for San Francisco,
  • Demonstrate a risk for eviction, and or homelessness,
  • Demonstrate or lacks stable housing,
  • Not currently receiving duplicative services,
  • Demonstrates a need for housing subsidy and provides proof of income,
  • Provide a copy of the rent agreement, and rent ledger,
  • Is willing to participate and follow program guidelines.


For more information or to apply, please call 415-334-5555 or Email:     

Together, we

prevent homelessness. uplift youth. care for seniors. serve immigrants.

Together, we

prevent homelessness. uplift youth. care for seniors. serve immigrants.

Long Term Housing

Long Term Housing

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