Parish Ambassador Program

Putting Faith Into Action

Are you looking for a way to get involved in your parish and the community?

Catholic Charities is looking for enthusiastic, engaged, motivated parishioners to help us spread our mission throughout the diocese.

“We are God’s hands providing housing, health, and hope to His children.”

Catholic Charities Parish Ambassador Program:

The Parish Ambassador Program consists of compassionate parishioners whose mission is serve our communities in greatest need.

Parishes have always been seen as sources of help for all people, working each day to meet their community’s needs.

Collaborating with parishes we build a network of Parish Ambassadors to engage parishioners for the purpose of:

  • Uniting us in faith and common good.
  • To continue our Catholic Charities mission to those we serve.
  • To increase access to Catholic Charities services.
  • To meet the needs of our community!

As a Parish Ambassador you will serve as a liaison between your parish and Catholic Charities- helping to ensure parishioners know the value and services Catholic Charities provides to the community every day.

Parish Ambassadors Commit to:

  • Learning more about Catholic Charites and its programs through attending trainings and events.
  • Communicate via church bulletins Catholic Charities news, volunteer opportunities and other events.
  • Develop quarterly opportunities for parishioners to support Catholic Charities, such as volunteer day or a fundraiser. Adopt a Catholic Charities’ program. Create opportunities to support that program of choice with creative events, volunteer, and donations.
  • Support Catholic Charites’s annual Mother’s Day Appeal.

Thank you for your interest in our Parish Ambassador Program, please email us for more information about connecting your parish to Catholic Charities at:

MAKE A DIFFERENCE- Together We Change Lives!

We thrive on making positive change for individuals and families – especially those more vulnerable.  There are many ways for you to join us in our commitment to social justice, equity, and opportunity for all.

Get More Information About Our Parish Ambassador Program