Outcomes of Catholic Charities
Census 2020 Outreach

During the 2020 Census, Catholic Charities’ staff joined hands with other community-based organizations as trusted messengers to encourage vulnerable populations to stand up and be counted

An average of 74% of households in Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo Counties completed the census on their own, 4.4% higher than the state’s self-response rate and 7% higher than the nation’s.

We personally reached out to hard-to-count local populations

Characteristics of Hard-to-Count Populations

Population data from the U.S. 2020 Census informs how much federal funding will support our local communities over the next decade for local hospitals, fire departments, school lunch programs, highways, and other critical programs and services.

Census data also determines the number of representatives California has in the U.S. House of Representatives and redraws State Assembly and Senate boundaries to ensure a fair democratic process at all levels of government.

Learn more about local redrawing of district lines:

Thank you for joining Catholic Charities and our community efforts to stand up for the Census 2020 count!